At Dhatmeer an accident occured a week agao. A little girl was playing with matchstick and some how it caught fire . Many villagers home got burnt . Government has given some compensation. People are really sad in ths village .
Crossing Dhatmeer we encountered first snow and icy path , everybody was glad to see snow atlast. As usual trek goes like a roller-coaster way up/down , we took some break prepared Glucose , had some chocolates etc . We wern't carrying any lunch .
We met a Dutch couple who was coming from HKD , they told us that they aborth the plan because of deep snow and weather. That scared us a bit but we have firm believe that we can make it .
We met many villagers on the way to Osla(Seema) . In January the path are going to closed due to heavy snowfall so the people are stocking the food items . We asked the way to Seema from them as our guide is accompanying Tarun who was not well and also his speed is slow.
We reached Gangad village at around 4 PM , weather tunred cloudy and according to villagers it might rain/snowfall. We are not prepared for any rainfall so speed-up , some local's say that you would reach Seema around 7 PM. and its gonna dark. So again we speed-up. 500 meters before Seema we faced the longest stretch of ice (bar-glass) . Somewhere it is inclined , it was really diffcult to cross that , some of us hold the mountain side and then put the steps on pebbles .
Finally we reached Seema at 6 PM. It was already dark. Pony and porters has already arrived and they prepared hot tea , a fire place was already up. It was getting chill as the night progressed. Seema is on the opposite side of Osla village. Seema has just a GMVN TRH and few hotel , today it was all deserted as this is not the tourist season. Only rshing water of Supin river is heard in roar.
Their is no news of Tarun, Sanjeev and guide. we thought they might take rest in village in mid. I asked the proter to start cooking meals and reast of us checked-in the luggage in dormitory of GMVN.
After 8:30 PM we heard a whistle ( our way of communication) , tarun and all have finally reached .
Everybody had dinner. End of a tiring day. Tommorow the last and most important league of trek .

absolutely refreshing.. i want to go and acomplish this trek in the near future..
gr8 pics!
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